Brand Like Hers

The Explorer Archetype

Who is the Explorer?

She is the Pioneer.

Her leadership style is innovation. People follow her because she gets things done efficiently and beautifully. She inspires them to see things differently, and go where others will not. Her audience stays engaged because she’s full of surprises, all of which are useful and improve others’ lives in some way.

She craves adventure and the call of nature. She’s constantly seeking and forging freedom on her own terms. Her call is to her journey, a deep journey filled with self-exploration and expression in the forms she seeks to adhere to. In the Explorer’s most conscious expression, she knows she’s able to break through any cages trying to hold her back from her true calling. She sees the value in blending cultures, ideas, and opinions in order to change the world and root into new ways of living that honor Mother Earth.

Knowing your inner Explorer:

  • You love to explore new cultures and lands you’ve never been before.
  • You long to make a difference by exploring different ways of doing things and sharing your solutions with others.
  • You value freedom of expression above all else and will fight for others to have their freedom as well.
  • You love documenting your adventures and experiences to teach others best practices.


“I have no limits in my adventurous life. I seek out new and fulfilling experiences. I am open-minded, authentic, and free.”

How to activate the Explorer in your brand:

  • Travel often and share your journeys with others. 
  • Share your unconventional life through photos and posts that embrace your inner Explorer. 
  • Find new ways of doing the same old things each day in order to spark new ideas in others.

Are you the Explorer? Take our Feminine Brand Archetype quiz here.


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